Oil Sands Sustaining Capital Projects
Investing in an sustaining capital program at this oil sands site producing synthetic crude oil for refineries, capable of being processed into various refined products such as gasoline, diesel, and other petroleum-based products.
Expanding Oil Sands Project Support
Since 2003, TWD has had a relatively strong presence at the Oil Sands site, while steadily building our workload focused on providing project management and engineering services for the production of synthetic crude oil from the vast bitumen reserves.
Comprehensive Project Support for Upgrading and Oil Sands
Seamless integration of project management, engineering, procurement, and construction management services across various facets has contributed to the success of our projects. Projects ranged from small sustaining capital projects to debottlenecking studies, and were primarily focused in Upgrading. Services included project management, engineering, procurement, and construction management. We have supported reliability programs such as Risk Based Inspection, development of standard maintenance repair scopes, inspection plans and deferral assessments, and provided substantial engineering support to every major turnarounds in upgrading . TWD has also supported Oil Sands with over 100 site secondments in Upgrading, Extraction, and In Situ.
This included multi-discipline engineers and technologists, project managers, and project engineers supporting day-to-day maintenance and reliability, turnarounds, and projects. Given our commitment to safety, we have established a local lead based in Fort McMurray who oversees our secondments and is available for walkdowns and interfacing with local personnel.
Celebrate innovation and unlock new possibilities with TWD.